Marie K. Moss BSN RN MPH CIC CPHQ FAPIC Karen Brody MSN RN GERO-BC CIC Ella Berroya MBA MSN RN AMB-BC CGRN CIC Leah Shayer MPH CIC Diana Yacoub BSN RN MPA CIC CPHQ FAPIC Alexandra Prorock Grizas MPH CIC Kinta Alexander DrPH MPH Briana Episcopia MPH RN CIC FAPIC Holly Kassner MPH CIC Chairs Sheron J Wilson, MPH, RN, CIC Ranekka Dean PhD RN CIC FAPIC Melanie Altar MS RN CNL CIC Mary Ann Caruana RN BSN CIC Marisa M. Robles RN BSN CIC Faith Skeete MSN RN CIC FAPIC Raffat Chowdhury MBBS MPH CIC Rebecca Sayseng MSN RN NI-BC CCRN Ashley Crawford-Martinez BS, MIRC Priya Dhagat MS MLS(ASCP)CM CIC CHEP |
Chapter Leader List (contains contact information)
Past Presidents of APIC Greater NY Chapter 13
2024 - Diana Yacoub BSN RN MPA CIC CPHQ FAPIC
2023 - Talia Lefkowitz RN BSN CIC
2022 - Steven Bock BSN RN CIC FAPIC
2021 - D. Kyle Willey BS CIC
2020 - D. Kyle Willey BS CIC
2019 - Ranekka Dean RN PhD CIC FAPIC
2018 - Christine Blackmore RN BSN MPH CIC
2017 - Adebisi Adeyeye RN DHA MPH CIC FAPIC
2016 - Larry Colbert MA CIC
2015 - Antonella Eramo MS CIC
2014 - Saungi McCalla RN MSN MPH CIC
2013 - Rodolfo Simons Jr. CIC
2012 - Marianne Pavia BS MT (ASCP) CIC
2011 - Barbara Winter RN MSA CIC
2010 - Kathi Mullaney RN BSN MPH CIC
2009 - Barbara A. Smith BSN MPA CIC
2008 - Joyce Manuel RN MS CHHA
2007 - Dilcia Ortega RN CIC MSN/MPH
2006 - Mary O'Keefe RN MPH CIC
2005 - Robin Haag RNC MA
2004 - Pancy Leung RN MPA CIC
2003 - Mary Ann Magerl RN MA CIC
2002 - Janet Eagan MPH
2001 - Audrey Adams RN MPH BSN CIC (?)
2000 - George Allen Ph.D CIC CNOR
1999 - Sandra Hardy RN MA
1998 - Joyce Louther RN BS CIC
1997 - Lillian Burns MT MPH CIC
1996 - Lillian Burns MT MPH CIC
1995 - Lucille Herring RN MS CIC
1994-1990 Please contact us if you can identify past chapter presidents
Infection Control Champion
Our chapter also awards an Infection Control Champion each year. This individual(s) is recognized for special contributions to the field of Infection Prevention & Control in the NYC metro area and sometimes beyond. It is awarded late each year and the awardee presents at our chapter's December meeting.
These outstanding individuals are our APIC Greater NY Chapter 13 Infection Control Champions.
2024 - Arsenia Golfo, MSN, RN, CIC
2023 - Talia Lefkowitz RN BSN CIC
2022 - Antonella Eramo MS CIC
2021 - None, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
2020 - None, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
2019 - Steve Males
2018 - D. Kyle Willey BS CIC
2017 - Barbara Smith RN BSN MPA CIC FAPIC & Steven Bock RN CIC FAPIC
2016 - Sarah Petrello RN CIC
2015 - Robin Haag RNC MA
2014 - Beth Nivin MPH
2013 - Sandra Hardy RN MA
2012 - David Calfee MD
2011 - Cynthia Spry MA MSN
2010 - George Allen PhD CIC
2009 - Kate Gase MPH CIC
2008 - Brian Koll MD
2007 - (none selected)
2006 - Rachel Stricof MPH
2005 - Robert Holtzman MD
Page last updated 3/15/2024
2024 - Diana Yacoub BSN RN MPA CIC CPHQ FAPIC
2023 - Talia Lefkowitz RN BSN CIC
2022 - Steven Bock BSN RN CIC FAPIC
2021 - D. Kyle Willey BS CIC
2020 - D. Kyle Willey BS CIC
2019 - Ranekka Dean RN PhD CIC FAPIC
2018 - Christine Blackmore RN BSN MPH CIC
2017 - Adebisi Adeyeye RN DHA MPH CIC FAPIC
2016 - Larry Colbert MA CIC
2015 - Antonella Eramo MS CIC
2014 - Saungi McCalla RN MSN MPH CIC
2013 - Rodolfo Simons Jr. CIC
2012 - Marianne Pavia BS MT (ASCP) CIC
2011 - Barbara Winter RN MSA CIC
2010 - Kathi Mullaney RN BSN MPH CIC
2009 - Barbara A. Smith BSN MPA CIC
2008 - Joyce Manuel RN MS CHHA
2007 - Dilcia Ortega RN CIC MSN/MPH
2006 - Mary O'Keefe RN MPH CIC
2005 - Robin Haag RNC MA
2004 - Pancy Leung RN MPA CIC
2003 - Mary Ann Magerl RN MA CIC
2002 - Janet Eagan MPH
2001 - Audrey Adams RN MPH BSN CIC (?)
2000 - George Allen Ph.D CIC CNOR
1999 - Sandra Hardy RN MA
1998 - Joyce Louther RN BS CIC
1997 - Lillian Burns MT MPH CIC
1996 - Lillian Burns MT MPH CIC
1995 - Lucille Herring RN MS CIC
1994-1990 Please contact us if you can identify past chapter presidents
Infection Control Champion
Our chapter also awards an Infection Control Champion each year. This individual(s) is recognized for special contributions to the field of Infection Prevention & Control in the NYC metro area and sometimes beyond. It is awarded late each year and the awardee presents at our chapter's December meeting.
These outstanding individuals are our APIC Greater NY Chapter 13 Infection Control Champions.
2024 - Arsenia Golfo, MSN, RN, CIC
2023 - Talia Lefkowitz RN BSN CIC
2022 - Antonella Eramo MS CIC
2021 - None, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
2020 - None, due to the Covid-19 Pandemic
2019 - Steve Males
2018 - D. Kyle Willey BS CIC
2017 - Barbara Smith RN BSN MPA CIC FAPIC & Steven Bock RN CIC FAPIC
2016 - Sarah Petrello RN CIC
2015 - Robin Haag RNC MA
2014 - Beth Nivin MPH
2013 - Sandra Hardy RN MA
2012 - David Calfee MD
2011 - Cynthia Spry MA MSN
2010 - George Allen PhD CIC
2009 - Kate Gase MPH CIC
2008 - Brian Koll MD
2007 - (none selected)
2006 - Rachel Stricof MPH
2005 - Robert Holtzman MD
Page last updated 3/15/2024