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Other Infection Prevention Resources

National APIC has a number of (free) high quality Professional Practice Guidelines available on their website here. Topics include C. difficile elimination (new 03-2013), MRSA control, and many more. There are also a number of other valuable resources on this site. To learn more, just go to www.apic.org and look under the Professional Practice tab.

The CDC issued a "clinical reminder" (04-05-2011) regarding Spinal Injection Procedures, emphasizing the need for the clinician to wear a surgical face mask to minimize the risk of meningitis. To obtain this two page document, click here.

The CDC issued updated guidelines (04-01-2011) for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter (Central Line) Associated Infections. To get this document, click here.

OSHA produced a training video (03-2011) on respiratory protection for healthcare workers. OSHA has produced a new training video for healthcare employers and workers that explains the proper use of respirators and the procedures to follow to assure that respirators protect workers from airborne hazards in healthcare settings. The 33-minute video explains the major components of a respiratory protection program including fit-testing, medical evaluations, training and maintenance. The video also discusses the difference between respirators and surgical masks, features a segment on common respiratory hazards found in healthcare settings, and demonstrates how respirator use helps protect workers from exposure to airborne chemicals. See the news release for more information on this video and visit OSHA's Safety and Health Topics: Respiratory Protection page to learn more about respirator safety and health.

The "IDSA Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Treatment of MRSA Infections in Adults and Children" published Jan 4, 2011 is available by clicking here.

Click here for the The 2010 IOM Report:  "Preventing the Transmission of Pandemic Influenza and Other Viral Respiratory Diseases -- PPE for Healthcare Personnel." Other free books available at the National Academies Press are mentioned in this resource.

Free Magazines and Journals

Infection Control Today - free monthly magazine covering infection prevention, central processing, materials management; Published by Virgo Publishing, Inc., PO Box 40079, Phoenix, AZ 85067, (480) 990-1101 or www.infectioncontroltoday.com

Healthcare Purchasing News - free monthly magazine covering infection prevention, central processing, materials management; Published by KSR Publishing Inc., 7650 So. Tamiami Trail - Suite 10, Sarasota, FL 34231, (941) 927-9345 or www.hpnonline.com

Managing Infection Control - free monthly magazine covering infection prevention, central processing, materials management; Published by Workhorse Publishing, 10040 E. Happy Valley Rd., Scottsdale, AZ 85255, (480) 585-0455

Materials Management in Health Care - free monthly magazine covering infection prevention and materials management; Published by Health Forum Inc., 21 N Franklin, Floor 28, Chicago, IL 60606, (312_ 893-6800 or www.matmanmag.com

Formulary - free monthly magazine covering pharmaceutical products, including antibiotics; Published by Advanstar, 7500 Old Oak Blvd., Cleveland, OH 44130, (330) 891-2689 or www.formularyjournal.com

ISHN - Industrial Safety & Hygiene News - free monthly magazine covering workplace safety and occupational health topics; Published by Business Publishing News Co., 755 W. Big Beaver Rd., Suite 1000, Troy, MI 48084, (248) 362-3700 or www.ishn.com

Still More Infection Prevention Resources

National Clinicians' Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Hotline (PEP-line) Run by UCSF & San Francisco General Hospital, offers assistance and guidance on managing bloodborne exposures and HIV post-exposure prophylaxis by phone. They can be reached 24/7/365 at (888) 448-4911 or online at www.ucsf.edu/hivcntr

Needlestick! This web-based expert system helps clinicians manage and document occupational blood & body fluid exposures. Developed and maintained by UCLA & the UCLA School of Medicine, it allows users to work through an algorithm for a real (or practice) exposure event. They are at www.needlestick.mednet.ucla.edu

Needlestick Safety Alliance Creates Online Safety Device List. The National Alliance for the Primary Prevention of Sharps Injuries (NAPPSI), founded by Venetec International, Carlsbad, CA, announced it has created a new, comprehensive list of needlestick-safety devices. NAPPSIs compilation draws upon the popular list of needlestick-safety devices created by the highly respected Exposure Prevention Information Network (EPINet), at the International Healthcare Worker Safety Center of the University of Virginia. The EPINet list categorizes devices by their medical application. To view the NAPPSI list, access www.nappsi.com and click on "Safety Device List."